Mission, Values & Goals
Our Mission
Our mission is to bake real cookies using real ingredients that are as much as a joy to eat as they are to create.
Our philosophy is built on the values of previous generations and our own commitment to local, organic, natural and ethically sourced ingredients. Sable Shortbread doesn’t contain artificial flavours or colours, chemical preservatives or any additives. We work hard to make shortbread cookies just like the ones Grandma used to make.

Our Values
We value authenticity, originality, quality and heritage. Sable Shortbread is a company with a purpose; we love to produce an original gourmet product because people deserve good things made with good ingredients. Furthermore, we believe that we can make good things while promoting good social goals and protecting the planet. And finally, we believe that our cookies can serve a higher purpose by providing a living for the company’s owners and future employees.
We believe in conducting our business with openness and honesty. Every one of the products we produce remains true to our roots, we hold a deep appreciation for the principles of traditional baking and we only use real ingredients. We never add anything artificial to our cookies. Sable Shortbread is committed to doing what is right and we treat people and our planet with respect. We believe the love and respect that goes into our baking makes our cookies taste even better. When you enjoy one of Sable Shortbread’s cookies, you are sharing an authentic experience with us.
We believe in blending tried-and-true original recipes with new and original ideas. Sable Shortbread will always look for new ways to share our love of baking with our customers. We look for original and contemporary flavour combinations, and develop them into original recipes that stay true to the tradition of the shortbread cookie, whether it is one of our own flavours like Margarita or it’s a Traditional Shortbread made from one of Mabel or Kate’s age-old recipes.
We want to give our customers cookies of the highest quality and that means always striving to do our best. We promise to keep to our original goals in starting this company – to make good cookies from scratch, to create original flavours, to support other businesses that share our values, to use only the finest quality ingredients, to provide a superior quality cookie at a fair price and to make a fair living. By keeping to these goals, we know we will deliver the best quality we can.
The two women whose spirit and vision guide our baking journey were genuine originals. They were brave and determined and carved their own paths in a world that didn’t always welcome women entrepreneurs. They contributed to their communities. The women who own Sable Shortbread are also originals. Julia faces challenges living with a disability and is a unique and original person with very special talents. She is carving her own path, just like the women who came before. Lorraine is bringing a wealth of experience to this venture to help build a meaningful and successful business. Like Mabel and Kate, we volunteer in our community and we support local charities whenever we can, especially those associated with autism, children’s health and well-being and animal welfare.
Our Goals
Our goals are simple:
- To create cookies that are a delightful indulgence
- To use only natural, high quality ingredients
- To keep it local and/or organic whenever we can
- To put people and the planet over profit
- To make the best cookies anywhere

138 Gerrish Street
Windsor, Nova Scotia

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