I think moving might be in my DNA. Because of moving, we lived in rented houses for most of my childhood. You might think that was because of finances or that my parents didn’t want to put down roots or that we moved a lot because of my dad’s job. But this is as far from reality as can be. It was just that my mother seemed to like to move and it was just easier that way. We lived in three different houses on the same block when I was a kid!! And those were only three of at least six houses I can recall from my childhood. One time, we moved into the house right next door when the previous tenant moved out. My mom thought that house was really cute and she wanted to live in it.
I don’t know if the the fact that my dad was in truck transport and could get a semi-truck at our house on 10 minutes notice was part of it or if my mom just had issues with staying in one place. Some of my cousins on my mom’s side moved a lot too; so maybe it was genetic… Actually, that was usually because their parents were turning a profit on their house and saw an opportunity to put more cash into their burgeoning businesses. And now I am moving into a new house in a new province and I am hoping that leaving Vancouver and moving to Nova Scotia will help my burgeoning business. It’s like it’s a family tradition!!
The Pros and Cons of it

There’s some really positive things about our move:


  • Our new location for Sable Shortbread means no longer having to share our kitchen with another business. We’ve loved sharing with our colleagues, we enjoyed lots of laughs and good times, but I am really looking forward to not having to work around someone else’s schedule.
  • Our new location is in a high traffic area right on the main street of town and we are going to have a bricks and mortar store.
  • Our new location has a health department approved kitchen already in place; we pretty just have to bring in our ovens and we’re good to bake.
  • Our new location costs only half of our old one. That’s a real bonus!
  • We get to Share the Joy of our shortbread with a whole new group of customers!
Most of all, we bought a great house in Nova Scotia and we’re going to be closer to family, so that’s a real treat.
Of course there are cons too as we leave Vancouver:
  • We will miss our farmers market and maker tribes as we leave behind a whole network of wonderful friends.
  • We have to say goodbye to the amazing team that has worked with us to help us succeed. They are going to be a hard act to follow for the new team.
  • We have to start over with a whole new set of market applications, competitor analysis and local rules to learn. But, we did it here, so we can do it there.
  • We are giving up the majesty of the west coast for the windy east coast. But then, there are the lighthouses – they help *ahem* brighten things up.

So here we are, in the last few weeks before the big move and I can’t wait to bake my first batch of shortbread in Nova Scotia.

One thing will remain true – no matter where in Canada we go – Sable Shortbread is and always will be the “Real Canadian Shortbread™” Remember to #ShareTheJoy

And that’s the truth – the Sable Truth.