Monday Musings

We’ve spent the last two months getting our thoughts and plans together for our new space, recovering from the big move, working on ways to get our new space going on a limited budget and working hard to let go of the bitterness from the situation at our old location.


We have had to process through a lot of emotions and the impacts of the way things happened and the costs – in time, stress, and money.

 The landlord’s new management team has the tenant they wanted in there now. The thing is, we could have left sooner if we had been offered an incentive to leave. As would be normal business practice. But, it seems that even though the move was their idea in the first place, that there was no expectation that there might be a gap in revenue. Which would have been a normal cost associated with doing business and changing tenants.

They wanted what they wanted, but we hope that they are able to put this chapter behind them and move forward now. As we are doing. This is the last time we’ll be talking about what has been and we’ll be focussing on the amazing things to come.
We want to thank everyone who has contributed to our
financial campaign toward re-opening so far.

 We’ve been blessed to have received an influx of cash this past week which is going to propel us forward. We haven’t updated our total yet, but with these funds, we will be able to get some of our larger ticket items completed. Our benefactor has provided funds for us to use to get the kitchen ready for inspection.


Our Go Fund Me is still live if you’d like to contribute. And you can also enter our contest with the purchse of a $5 gift card which will give you a gift card and a chance to win a great prize and will give us some ready cash to pay for renovations now.

Moving Forward. That’s what’s happening now.

And that’s the truth
– the Sable Truth.