Before we started baking shortbread for fun and profit we thought about what we wanted our company and its products to stand for, to represent. We thought carefully about what kind of company we wanted to build.
Our philosophy is built on the values of previous generations and our own commitment to local, organic, natural and ethically sourced ingredients.

Sable Shortbread doesn’t contain artificial flavours or colours, chemical preservatives or any additives. We work hard to make shortbread cookies just like the ones Grandma used to make.

 What’s great is that it is nearly 100 years later and we are here and able to make shortbread cookies that are filled with the same love that Grandma poured into her baking, but that also contain clean, exceptional ingredients sourced ethically and produced locally.

 Our shortbread is authentically ours:  we create each recipe for each flavour of shortbread from scratch.  If we can’t find a natural ingredient to create a flavour that is on our mind, we don’t make it.  We don’t add other products to our shortbread.  Our Turtle Cheesecake Shortbread, as an example, isn’t made just by chopping up Turtles brand candy and adding to the dough.  For one thing that wouldn’t be very original – and for another it wouldn’t be authentic to us.  It also would mean that flavour would contain whatever additives are in the candies.  That wouldn’t do for us.  We created a recipe that included all the components of a Turtles candy and that adheres to our philosophy – it’s natural, organic, and real.  And it tastes good too!! 

Because if it doesn’t taste good, then there’s no point in making it.  Turtle Cheesecake is one of our more time-consuming cookies to make and sports some pretty fancy ingredients including organic pecans.  By choosing organic for our nuts, we know that they are grown in clean soil, aren’t contaminated with potentially harmful chemicals, are not genetically modified and are better for the environment and you.  The additional cost for organic is really a small price when you consider all the benefits that organic nuts provide.   Plus, it helps us stick to our mission to make shortbread that is a joy to eat and to create. 


Perhaps we never studied philosophy (well, Duncan did – but that’s for another post), but we know it doesn’t take a philosopher to know it’s a winning proposition for all us when we start with original recipes and the best quality ingredients to achieve our goals to be authentic, original, respect our heritage and create high quality products. 

Sable Shortbread.

Real Canadian Shortbread.

And that’s the truth
– the Sable Truth.